You will find here a workaround explaining howto to compile ToME under Windows
with BCC. You can find other places to get some Angband compiling advices
in the < link section >.
To compile ToME, you’ll need a compiler (we’ll see here how to use Borland C++ Compiler (BCC), but others could do fine too); then, ToME source files, my source files and finally you’ll be able to launch the compilation.
Getting BCC:
• Download the Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 here or there (8
727 Kb)
Execute the file “freecommandLinetools.exe” you just downloaded.
Click on “Next” at the Welcome screen.
Leave the installation folder by default “C:\Borland\BCC55” or
select another path (we will consider you installed it by default) and click
on “Finish”.
Click on “Yes” to confirm the creation of the folder if it does
not exist
The application unpacks. Click on “OK” when the delivering of the
package is successfull.
Getting ToME source files:
• Download ToME source files at the following address (3 017 Kb):
Unpack the file you just downloaded in “C:\tome-222-src”
(Watchout, to unzip a tgz packed file under windows, you need some tool; winzip
can be useful, but it is not open-source. I recommend you instead 7-zip: it
is a free, open-source application running under the GPL; have a go and grab
it in the < link section >.)
(Optional) Getting source files to display D. Gervais tiles:
If you want to include my changes,
Download the following file:
Unzip it with 7-zip in the folder “C:\tome-222-src” you created
previously and confirm you want to replace the files
Configure and compile:
• Make sure the file “C:\tome-222-src\src\makefile.bcc” points to BCC by editing it. If you don’t have the following lines you will have to correct them accordingly:
CPP = c:\Borland\BCC55\Bin\bcc32
LINKER = c:\Borland\BCC55\Bin\ilink32
RC = c:\Borland\BCC55\Bin\brc32
BCCDIR = c:\Borland\BCC55
• Open a shell command (“Start” button, “Run”,
then type “cmd” and click “OK”)
Place yourself in the “C:\tome-222-src\src” folder and launch the
c:\borland\bcc55\bin\make -f makefile.bcc
(if you copied my files previously you can simply launch the file “make.cmd” in “C:\tome-222-src\src” which does the same)
If everything goes well you will the following message:
copy tome.exe ..
1 file(s) copied.
• Double click on “C:\tome-222-src\tome.exe” under windows explorer to launch the game. Enjoy!