File src/main-win.c
This file helps Angband work with Windows computers. It contains all the windows specific routines.
• Line 129 to 136: Add of variables IDM_WINDOW_PERF_n used
for "Perfect Display" menu
• Line 186: Add of variable IDM_OPTIONS_GERVAIS_GRAPHICS used
for "David Gervais tiles" menu
• Line 188: Add of variable IDM_OPTIONS_ZOOM used
for "Double size tiles mode" menu
• Line 387: Add of variable bool perfect in the struct
_term_data to set if a term is using "Perfect Display" or
Line 965 to 967:
Modification of "save_prefs_aux" function, to include "Perfect
Display" parameter; this function writes the prefs in "tome.ini" for a
term (not for the main term)
• Line 1021 to 1023:
Modification of "save_prefs" function, to include "Double
size tiles mode" parameter; this function writes the prefs in "tome.ini" for
the main term
• Line 1062 to 1063:
Modification of "load_prefs_aux" function, to include "Perfect
Display" parameter; this function reads the prefs in "tome.ini" for
term (not for the main term)
• Line 1101 to 1104:
Modification of "load_prefs" function, to include "Double
size tiles mode" parameter; this function reads the prefs in "tome.ini" for
the main term
• Line 1289 to 1297: Modification of "init_graphics" function
to initialise D. Gervais graphics with file "32x32.bmp"; this function initializes
• Line 1344 to 1353: Modification of "init_graphics" function
to initialise D. Gervais graphic mask with file "mask32.bmp"
• Line 1581 to 1599: Modification of "term_change_font" function
to to set tiles size if "Perfect Display" is on
Line 2144 to
2156: Modification of "Term_curs_win" function
to include "Double size tiles mode" in displaying cursor; the purpose
of this function is to display the cursor as a yellow box
Line 2300 to
2517: Modification of "Term_pict_win" function
to include "Double size tiles mode" and use of D. Gervais tiles; this
function is the heart of the displaying routine
• Line 2838 to 2853:
Modification of "setup_menus" function, to include "Perfect
Display" parameter; this function prepares the menus
• Line 2872 to 2926:
Modification of "setup_menus" function, to authorize
tile size modifications of a term only if "Perfect
Display" parameter is off
• Line 2928 to 2981:
Modification of "setup_menus" function, to update "Double
size tiles mode" and "David Gervais tiles"
Line 3310 to
3349: Modification of "process_menus" function
to process "Perfect
Display" menus
• Line 3518 to
3537: Modification of "process_menus" function to
process "David Gervais tiles" menu
• Line 3559 to
3588: Modification of "process_menus" function to
process "Double
size tiles mode" menu
• Line 4062 to
4065: Modification of "AngbandListProc" function to
set max term size to 255 by 255 (old value was 80 by 24)